Welcome to my site! Here are some handy tools I made whilst learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript!
Time Displays the current time and date (in your time zone), as well as detailed time information
IP Info Displays your current IP address, and IP provided information
Countdowns Shows various countdowns until major upcoming holidays
Currency Exchange Rates Shows information for various currency conversions
Regex Tools Some useful regex tools (duplicate line remover, whitespace remover), as well as a regex tester
Quick Copy Clipboard display, clear clipboard button, and useful characters
Base64 Encode/Decode Encode and decode to and from Base64 format (binary)
Base64 Image Encode/Decode Encode and decode images to and from Base64 format
Color Converter Convert between Hex codes, RGB values, and HSL values, and see those colors displayed
UNIX Time Converter Convert from date strings to UNIX time (in seconds or milliseconds), and back
Case Changer Change a string to uppercase, lowercase, title case, or sentence case
List Sorter Alphabetize, numerize, randomize, and reverse lists that can be defined with custom separators
Random Number Generator Generate a random number between two numbers
Countdown Timer Simple countdown timer with end time display
Stopwatch Simple stopwatch (displays down to milliseconds)
Counter Press a key/button to add one to a counter
Roman Numeral Converter Convert to and from roman numerals, with high level thousand supports (bars above numbers)
KeyCode Information Click any keyboard key to get the key, key location, key code, char code (ASCII), and char code (Unicode)
Word Counter Displays total characters, words, sentences, lines, and paragraphs in a piece of text
Binary Calculator Convert to/from binary/octal/decimal/hex
Binary Text Converter Convert to/from binary text
Temperature Converter Convert between Fahrenheit, Celsius/Centigrade, and Kelvin
Length Converter Convert between United States standard length measurements and imperial length units
Scientific Notation Converter Convert between scientific (e) notation and decimal form
Morse Code Converter Convert to/from Morse code
Weather Info Shows current weather information and alerts
Tides Info Shows current tidal information and for the next 7 days
Time Converter Convert between units of time
Browser Info Shows basic information about your browser and operating system
Queer Calendar Show LGBTQ+ related events for the current date or an inputted date of the current year
Random Fact Generate a random fact
Random Joke Generate a random joke
Astronomy Picture of the Day View NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD)
Minecraft Color/Format Codes List of all Minecraft color and formatting codes
/ Tone Indicators List of common tone indicators
Text Abbreviations List of common abbreviations used in text
NATO Phonetic Alphabet Code words used by the military/police for letters
Magic Eight Ball Ask a question, and it will give you an answer!